I was disgusted with myself at nationals this year. Try as he might, my husband could not get me off my pedastal and I was sorely disappointed. Going in a little nervous is much better than thinking things will be great. Don't get me wrong, by the time I got there and was waiting to go on, I was shaking, nervous, and totally messed up Hudson's game. I'm finally going to suck it up and take some classes to improve myself. And keep working at my stacking.
So in 43 days is our next venture, The Lenape Bulldog Club's show. It's not too far from home, so that's good. It will be one of our last opportunites to participate in the 15-18 month class, so I want to try to get a point or two before we move to open, or our time might get even harder.
I wish I had jumped on this bandwagon a lot sooner. It will definitely be different with the next one, that's for sure.
My next bully is going to be coming from Kaigan in Virginia. The breeder, Laurel, is absolutely fabulous, and her dogs are beautiful. She's originally a Mastiff breeder (also beautiful), but she told me she's considering going exclusively bulldog. Her last litter was picture perfect, each one was show quality.
I'm also getting a lot of great advice on Hudson and how to better him for the ring. He needs to gain some weight, probably about 6 lbs. Thankfully, there are sometimes boys that mature this slowly, as bullies can take up to 2 years to come into their full grown status.
I need to get some pictures up here soon! I have yet to even look at the ones from nationals that Chris took. We did get fourth place (of four), so we got a ribbon and some other fun goodies, but I plan to do a lot better in 43 days!
I love following your adventures ... so fascinating!!