When I decided to enter the BCA Nationals show (Bulldog Club of America), I promised myself it was just for fun, there was no pressure, and there was no way Hudson was going to win anything. I wanted the most stressful part of the day to be the traffic and how Hudson looked. Until I got the judging program...
I decided to enter the Amateur Owner-Handler's class thinking it might be a good way for me to show along with other people who were as shaky in their showing as I am after only two tries and no training or classes. I expected this to be a pretty big entry since the president of our rescue group and a long time bulldog owner, breeder, and judge told me there are some pretty...interesting...entries at nationals. Out of 457 entries, we are competing against...4.
There's five in our class. Which means a better chance of a win and a point. Pressure's on!
I am feeling confident in Hudson's looks. We've changed him to an all raw, home-made diet (yes, cutting up the meat and veggies ourselves from the people grocery store) and he's bulked up in all the right places. He looks fantastic! But we did just start him on atopica, which has had his mood a little weird. He's more hyper, and I'm hoping I can get him to focus in the ring, something that's not normally an issue for him. I guess the only way to find out is to go and do it and see what happens.
I also found out there's going to be streaming video live and then a video done afterward that will show Hudson's name, mine, breeder etc. I'm sure I'll look oh so beautiful after a 2 hour car ride that will take at least 3 hours.
Despite everything that will probably go awry that day, I'm very excited. It'll be good to get Hudson back out in the show ring, and I'm going to be meeting up with a lot of people that I never met in person/haven't seen in a long time. But that's kind of the point of nationals for any breed.
In other news, one of our fosters finally has a new home. He's going there on Friday, and we're very excited both for him and the new owner. It'll be his first bulldog, so he's doomed for life now! ;) I had to laugh when he found out we only had a year of bulldog experience. Apparently, we've taken this thing way too seriously.
I'm dog people.