Seems I can only blog when Hudson's sleeping nearby and Chris is at work or in bed. (He's the latter currently.)
We had a super busy weekend. I had off Thursday through today, and Chris had Friday until tomorrow. It was nice to have time off and time to enjoy Hudson together. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000000
That's what Hudson had to say - he laid his head on the keyboard.
Anyway, here's some of what we did this weekend:
1. Saw the vet
2. Met Chris's parents
3. Watched a House marathon on TV
4. Learned to "sit" and "leave it"
5. Stayed at home by himself
6. Met a baby! (Josiah - just over a year old) And subsequently got a hand right in the face, which he took like a champ. Good boy!!!
7. Met and played with other dogs.
I'm sure there were other things, but this list is pretty good. He was a such a good, patient puppy. Don't get me wrong, he's also pushed the limits and had to be disciplined. Chris has been really consistent and firm - he usually has to be the bad guy. (I'm the pushover...oops. I'm doing better!!!) But overall, he's been a goooood lil puppy.
We're all really happy. YAY!
Next post I'll have to post a new picture. He's getting to be a big boy - bigger stance, more weight, looking more grown up every day. Puppies don't stay puppies long...